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Children’s Speech and Rehabilitation Therapy, and Speech-Language Pathology, PLLC dba Children’s Speech and Rehabilitation Therapy es una agencia de intervención temprana aprobada por el estado de Nueva York que proporciona evaluaciones e intervención terapéutica en el hogar para niños de recién nacidos a 3 años a través del Programa de intervención temprana del condado de Nassau que tienen o se sospecha que tiene un retraso en el desarrollo y / o discapacidad.

Servicios que ofrecemos

Programa de intervención temprana (EI)

Comité de Servicios de Educación Preescolar (CPSE)

Our child's therapist "was the best thing that happened to us! We truly belive it is because of her patience, positivity and skills that my son is speaking so well today!"

"The therapists the agency chose for my son were wonderful. They developed a great relationship with him and helped him progress so quickly."

"The services have been astounding. The therapy team has been positive and helpful. It has been a pleasure working with their assistance. My son loves his team and looks forward to them coming."

My daughter's therapist "provided me with helpful ideas for our family to carry over outside of therapy. She has made great progress and I feel that we have made a difference in her life, not only as her parents, but as as an integral part of her therapy team."